SOCIETY | 23:55 / 24.08.2020
2 min read

Traffic accident involving three cars occurs on international highway Tashkent – Osh

A major traffic accident involving citizens of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan took place on the Tashkent – Osh highway, the press service of the Namangan regional DIA reported.

A major traffic accident involving citizens of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan took place on the Tashkent – Osh highway, the press service of the Namangan regional DIA reported.

It all happened on August 22 at 16:20 on the 247th km of the road from Tashkent to Osh. The driver of a MAZ car, which was heading from the capital to the Fergana Valley, lost control and crashed into the rear of the ISUZU car moving in front. From an unexpected hit, the ISUZU driver did not have time to brake and collided with a VOLVO truck driven by a citizen of Kazakhstan.

As a result, the drivers of MAZ and ISUZU received bodily injuries. They were hospitalized in the multidisciplinary medical association of the Pop district, Namangan region.

On the fact of the traffic accident, the Investigation Department of the Pop district DIA opened a criminal case. A pre-investigation check is underway.

It should be reminded that a week ago in the Surkhandarya region, there was a terrible accident, which claimed the lives of six people.

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