17:59 / 07.09.2020

EPSILON (EDC): Daily production rate of new Mirbaraka-2 prospecting well amounted to 300,000 m³ of gas

On September 7, at 3:40 PM, the company obtained an industrial inflow of natural gas – 300,000 m³ per day – following acid treatment in the course of developing new Mirbaraka-2 prospecting well.

On September 8, the well will be connected to the main pipeline for transporting gas to the domestic market. All works fully comply with sanitary-epidemiological and environmental requirements.

Mirbaraka field with estimated reserves of up to 10 bcm of natural gas was discovered by EDC in August 2019 within Kultak-Kamashi investment block in Kashkadarya region. Geological exploration works continue as planned.

Most unfortunately, remuneration payments are still delayed and so are some mutual settlements with certain suppliers. At the same time, all staff members receive 2.5-3 million UZS per month regardless of their position title. The company is redoubling efforts to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

Epsilon Press Office
