List of open data subject to mandatory publication by government agencies approved
Uzbekistan has approved a list of socially significant information to be posted as open data by all government and administrative bodies.

This is stated in the presidential decree “On additional measures to ensure the transparency of the activities of state bodies and organizations, as well as the effective implementation of public control”.
“Approve the list of socially significant information to be placed as open data by all government and administrative bodies, including the Accounts Chamber, the Central Bank, courts and prosecutors and their structural and territorial divisions, as well as business entities with a state share in the authorized capital (authorized capital) 50% or more and state unitary enterprises, according to the appendix,” the text of the document reads.
The Anti-Corruption Agency, together with the Ministry of Justice and the relevant ministries and departments, has been instructed to submit proposals to the presidential administration on an ongoing basis to further expand the list of socially significant information to be placed as open data by state bodies and organizations, based on the analysis.
Also, starting from July 1, 2021, it was instructed to ensure that the specified information will be posted on the open data portal on a quarterly basis:
- by the Accounts Chamber, the Ministry of Finance, regulatory authorities – information about each audit and inspection performed (name of the object of control, purpose and timing of the audit or inspection, position, surname, name of the civil servant who conducted it) with the protection of information constituting a state or other protected secrecy by law (after notifying the head of the relevant control body);
- by the Agency for State Assets Management – a list (indicating information about the organization that implements the functions of a shareholder (participant, owner) on behalf of the state, the territory of the enterprise, taxpayer identification number, state share) of legal entities with a state share in their authorized capital (authorized capital) in the amount of 50% or more and state unitary enterprises, as well as a list of legal entities in which 50 or more percent of the authorized capital (authorized capital) belongs to enterprises with state participation;
- the Ministry of Finance, the Agency for State Assets Management, ministries and departments, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of regions and the city of Tashkent – names and surnames of members of the executive body (director, chairman of the board, members of the board) of enterprises with the participation of the state acting as a shareholder (participant, owner) on its own behalf, as well as members of the supervisory board;
- by the State Tax Committee – information on dividends paid by enterprises with state participation at the end of the year (quarter);
- by the Ministry of Finance – information on the state budget funds spent on enterprises with the participation of the state, funds raised from abroad, respectively, including the amounts of the state external debt and their spending;
- by the Agency for State Assets Management – a list of state institutions (date of creation, higher authority) and information about privatized objects of state property (with the exception of state enterprises and secret institutions that constitute state secrets).