21:09 / 26.10.2021

Uzbekistan Airways increases number of flights to Kiev

In September, the company began flying to the capital of Ukraine for the first time since 2015.

Фото: KUN.UZ

Previously, it was reported that in September, Uzbekistan Airways resumed flights to Kiev six years later. Flights were operated once a week – on Sundays.

As Spot reports citing the air carrier’s press service, the number of flights will increase from November 3. Now the airline will also operate on Wednesdays.

The cost of tickets en route Tashkent-Kiev-Tashkent one way starts from 2,203,229 soums (without luggage) and from 2,539,315 soums (with luggage), round trip – from 4,149,045 soums (without luggage) and 4,771,427 soums (with luggage). ⠀

Air tickets can be purchased on the airline’s official website, at the Uzbekistan Airways Sales branch, or from the airline’s agents.

The company recalled a 3% discount when buying an air ticket through the official website.

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