SOCIETY | 20:12 / 03.01.2022
6 min read

Uzbekistan intends to reform public transport system in next 5 years

In 2022-2026, it is proposed to develop a single transport system in the country, to provide access to Tashkent and major cities in 6-7 hours. For this purpose, in 2022, the capital aims to purchase 673 electric buses and 14 metro trains for public transport. It is planned to establish 60 intercity bus routes and increase the number of domestic flights from 48 to 80 per week.

Фото: KUN.UZ

Over the next 5 years, it is planned to develop a unified transport system with an interconnection of all modes of transport, to create the opportunity to reach and return to the destination in 6-7 hours on a daily basis between Tashkent and major cities.

This is stated in the draft development strategy for 2022-2026, which was announced for public discussion.

Reportedly, it is planned to improve the system of public transport in Tashkent and passenger transport in the regions and develop its infrastructure.

Also, the market and infrastructure of transport and logistics services will be developed, the level of electrification of railway infrastructure will be increased to 60% and development of the highway network will be accelerated.

Therefore, the “Roadmap” for 2022 proposes to develop concepts for the development of public transport in the capital, intercity passenger transport and air travel.

Tashkent city public transport

According to the proposals, by February 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers will develop a program for the development of all interconnected modes of transport in Tashkent.

The followings have been planned:

  • purchase of 673 electric buses;
  • creation of a new network of regular bus routes with 11 highways, 14 loops, 92 interconnectors and 42 suppliers, connecting all types of urban passenger transport;
  • reconstruction of 1,160 intermediate stations with comfortable conditions for passengers, including people with disabilities, based on a standard design.

It is planned to conduct an experiment on the introduction of a new system of financing of carriers (Pool system) in at least 5 routes of public transport in Tashkent, based on the volume of work performed by foreign experts on the criteria of “paved road”, “passenger flow” and “quality”.

In order to create a healthy lifestyle, it is planned to build 50 km per year, a total of 250 km of bicycle and footpaths during 5 years.

By July 2022, it is planned to prepare a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the development of the concept of construction of overpasses on busy streets.

Moreover, the draft government resolution proposes to integrate the network of land passenger transport routes with the metro and modernize the infrastructure, and (in 5 years) to purchase 84 new trains (subway trains), including 14 in 2022.

Intercity passenger transport

By May 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers is expected to develop a draft Program for radical improvement of the passenger transport system.

The aim is to:

  • increase the coverage of settlements with public transport to 95%;
  • increase the share of public transport in medium and large cities from 22% to 35%;
  • gradually replace Damas passenger cars in regional centers with buses and minibuses;
  • construct 52 bus stations and reconstruct 29 ones;
  • open 278 new bus routes;
  • establish 60 new intercity bus routes;
  • improve the system of control over the observance of the work and rest regime of bus drivers.

For business entities engaged in regular passenger transport activities, it is expected to introduce a system of delayed (installment) VAT on the import of new buses and minibuses or their purchase from a local manufacturer without interest and without the need to ensure its payment.

There are also plans to develop concepts for improving the public transport system and infrastructure development in Karshi and Andijan.

Air transport

In 2022, it is proposed to increase the mobility of the population on intercity flights through the development of air transport.

It is planned to accomplish the followings:

  • gradually increasing the share of private and low-cost airlines in domestic traffic to 25%;
  • increasing the number of domestic flights from 48 to 80 per week and the number of connected flights from 4 to 8;
  • keeping on subsidizing new and existing domestic routes, based on social requirements and needs.

By June 2022, it is planned to develop an airport development concept and a targeted program for each airport based on economic calculations in accordance with the technical condition of each airport in the regions.

The main focus is on:

  • doubling the capacity of 11 international airports in the regions;
  • increasing the volume of cargo services by 3 times by building 11 new cargo terminals at airports.

It is proposed to involve a large foreign cargo operator in the management of Navoi Airport and the International Intermodal Logistics Center.

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