SOCIETY | 10:20 / 09.02.2022
2 min read

Uzbekistan to develop a graphic symbol for national currency


In order to increase the international prestige of the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan – the soum in the financial markets and ensure its recognition among the general public, the Central Bank announces a competition for the development of the “Soum Symbol”, the press service of the regulator reported.

The competition will determine the best graphic works that symbolize the identity, cultural values and distinctive features of the national currency on the global stage. The competition is open to all citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who wish to participate.

To participate, you must send an application, an image and a concept of your idea to the email address by March 31, 2022mail.

The winner will receive a cash prize from the Central Bank. You can familiarize yourself with the rules of the competition here.

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