SOCIETY | 17:21 / 12.03.2022
2 min read

Criminal liability for violation of privacy to be strengthened

Photo: Shutterstock

The draft law “On introducing amendments and additions to the Criminal Code and the Administrative Responsibility Code” has been announced.

It is noted that in recent years the turnover of data on the Internet has been growing, as well as the number of participants in this network. This increases the number of cases of disclosure of personal data and confidential information among the information that is uploaded and disclosed on the Internet and various social networks.

“These cases make it possible to identify personal data via the Internet, and the disclosure of confidential information is a negative factor. As a result, damage is done to the personality of citizens, and in some cases, material damage,” the draft law says.

The draft provides for the establishment of liability by supplementing Articles 46-1 (violation of privacy) and 46-2 (violation of privacy) of the Administrative Responsibility Code and Articles 141-1 (violation of privacy) and 141-2 (violation of privacy) of the Criminal Code (Violation of the law on personal data) with the rules regarding the placement of personal data in the media, telecommunications networks or on the Internet.

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