14:05 / 17.03.2022

“More than 100 billion soums were allocated from the state budget to political parties in 2021” – MP Rasul Kusherbayev 

More than 62 billion soums, the bulk of the funds, were allocated to UzLiDeP and Milliy Tiklanish political parties.

At the regular plenary session of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, the deputies heard reports on the sources of funding for political parties last year.

UzLiDeP deputy Rasul Kusherbayev said that last year more than 108 billion soums were allocated from the state budget to political parties. In particular:

• Liberal Democratic Party (UzLiDep) – 36.564 billion soums ($3.3 million);
• “Milliy Tiklanish” Democratic Party – 25.818 billion soums ($2.4 million);
• “Adolat” Social Democratic Party – 17 billion soums ($1.55 million);
• People’s Democratic Party – 16.465 billion soums ($1.5 million);
• Ecological Party – 12.886 billion soums ($1.2 million).

The session of the Legislative Chamber considered the organizational, personnel, material, financial and other resources of political parties. They stressed the importance of transparency and openness of reports on the use of allocated funds.

It was noted that all political parties have control and audit commissions, which clearly define the organizational-legal conditions of their activities, including their functions, rights and responsibilities.

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