BUSINESS | 15:36 / 22.04.2022
2 min read

A plant for production of medical devices to be built in Nukus

At the initiative of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Austria, negotiations were held with the head of the Slovak company “Alphavit s.r.o” Juraj Puzder.

During the negotiations, plans were discussed for the implementation of the project “Organization of the production of medical products, medical equipment and medical furniture on the territory of the “NUKUS” FEZ.

In accordance with the project, in 2022, construction work on the construction of the enterprise’s buildings will be completed in order to launch the production of an assortment of surgical thread and disposable plasmapheresis next year. In 2024, it is planned to launch the production of medical furniture – medicine cabinets, treatment tables, beds and other products. It is also planned to produce equipment for plasmapheresis, hemodialysis, express analyzers and other equipment at the production complex.

Photo: Dunyo news agency

The full implementation of the project will provide jobs for 268 people.

At the same time, it was noted that the enterprise will produce high-quality and competitive products that can be exported to European countries.

To implement the plans, a joint venture “Nukus medical devices” has already been established in Uzbekistan. At present, the issue of allocating a land plot on the territory of the Nukus free economic zone for the construction of an industrial complex is under decision.

The issues of expanding cooperation in promoting export Uzbek products for various purposes to European countries were also discussed, taking into account the Slovak partner’s rich experience in this area.

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