13:47 / 04.08.2022

Uzbekistan increases potato imports

Potatoes are mainly imported from Pakistan.

In January-June 2022, Uzbekistan imported 319,000 tons of potatoes from 14 countries for $55.5 million.

Compared with the corresponding period last year, potato imports increased by 11.6 thousand tons, the State Statistics Committee said.

During the reporting period, the republic imported potatoes mainly from the following countries:

  • Pakistan - 257.4 thousand tons;
  • Kazakhstan - 23.4 thousand tons;
  • Russia - 14.5 thousand tons;
  • Kyrgyzstan - 8.9 thousand tons;
  • Iran - 5.6 thousand tons;
  • Afghanistan - 4 thousand tons;
  • The Netherlands - 3.9 thousand tons;
  • Belarus - 631.6 tons;
  • Poland - 559 tons.
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