09:40 / 06.09.2022

Uncertainty and chaos: Tashkent again becomes a city of homeless students 

Classes have begun at universities. But this does not bring joy to thousands of students: now their thoughts are occupied not by study, but by the search for housing. Kun.uz visited the Tashkent city campus (Vuzgorodok) and talked to young people who wandered in search of shelter. 

This long-lasting problem has not gone away. Students who have moved to the capital with their ordinary belongings, blankets, and their parents accompanying them are waiting with hope for news on the university alley. 

One of the parents is upset when he hears that the students who are enrolled under the state grant will not be given a hostel. And rental prices are exorbitant. 

Hope for a hostel is very ephemeral. This is just causing chaos. 

According to a government decree adopted in September 2021, dormitories were to be built in 11 universities in Tashkent in 2022. But as Kun.uz wrote earlier, only the new hostel of the Uzbek State University of World Languages is ready.

In one of the existing dormitories of the National University of Uzbekistan, we have witnessed that the repair work has not yet been completed. There is no information about the new dormitory. 

Earlier, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education reported that 60 objects for 30,890 seats are being implemented in the republic, of which 30 objects for 16,050 seats are under construction. 

Kun.uz has been writing for several years about the accommodation problem, which is an obstacle to the undisturbed education of students, but there are no significant changes yet.

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