POLITICS | 14:41 / 02.11.2022
4 min read

“If the school is not maintained immediately, the khokimiyat building will be vacated for the children” – Umurzakov sharply criticizes the fact that pupils are being educated in a home school in Shurchi district 

On November 1, a videoconference meeting was held under the chairmanship of the PA head, Sardor Umurzakov, and the pressing problems of public education were seriously discussed.

Photo: President Administration

“Our President deliberately defined education as the main issue. It is necessary for every minister, every governor to look at the problems of education very seriously. But not everyone is doing the same. Here is an example: last year, at the initiative of our President, it was planned to establish specialized schools. After long discussions, it was decided that this process would be launched without affecting the activities of existing schools.

In the Shurchi district of Surkhandarya region, an operating school was closed and the children were transferred to a school 5-6 km away. Parents started not sending their children as they struggled to go far, then teachers were forced to open a home school in the house of the former school principal.

Is this the human value? Would officials in Tashkent, sitting in comfortable offices, agree that their children walk 10 kilometers every day on mud roads of the village and study in home schools? Teachers teaching at home are not being paid. What is the teacher’s fault here?!” Sardor Umruzakov asked.

The Minister of Public Education, regional and district khokims, participating in the event, admitted that such a situation was allowed.

“Hundreds of children are wandering around, and responsible executives are indifferent to this situation, is this a reaction to the trust expressed by the head of state?! Therefore, the deputy khokim of the district and the head of the public education department, who are irresponsible, should be fired and the PGO should make a legal assessment of their activities. Let the district khokim Bakhtiyor Khudoyberganov be reprimanded. If the situation does not change immediately, the khokimiyat building will be vacated and the children will be educated in this building. I am absolutely serious. Let the khokim organize the work in his house.

The deputy prosecutor general, who is currently in the region, should immediately arrive in Shurchi and personally supervise the work of restoring the school activity. A separate task – consider the maintenance, heating, lighting, furniture and, if necessary, the WC of the new building. Normal conditions for education must be provided to our children!

Let this situation be an example for every regional and district administration. Do not forget that the issue of education is under the daily control of our President. Form a commission together with the Ministry of Public Education, so that such a situation does not happen again. 168 specialized schools to be established will be inspected, responsible executives must provide accurate information,” Kun.uz correspondent quotes the head of the presidential administration as saying.

The deputy khokim of the district, who treated the work irresponsibly and was the direct cause of this situation, was fired.

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