POLITICS | 20:12 / 25.01.2023
2 min read

1.5 trillion soums to be allocated from state budget to reduce poverty

These funds will be directed to reduce poverty in the most disadvantaged mahallas.

During the meeting, the issue of returning previously allocated loans was also discussed.

“If the governors don’t think about returning these funds, how will the family business develop? After all, if these funds are returned, they will be given to the district itself, won’t they?” Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

In addition, it was emphasized that the authorities should strictly control this issue. The Minister of Employment was instructed to develop a program to direct the 1.5 trillion soum allocated from the budget to the new ministry to reduce poverty in the most disadvantaged mahallas.

The Deputy PM, the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction was tasked with forming a package of business projects in problematic mahallas under the attracted $135 million credit line and employing at least 50 thousand residents in these mahallas with the help of regional administrations.

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