POLITICS | 11:34 / 26.01.2023
5 min read

List of ministries and state agencies updated

21 ministries, 12 committees, 25 agencies and 11 inspectorates: after the administrative changes in Uzbekistan, the system of the Cabinet of Ministers consists of a total of 69 organizations.

Photo: Kun.uz

According to the presidential decree, 26 ministries and offices are directly subordinated to the CabMin. 43 offices will be part of the ministries.

The decree approved the unified list of executive authorities – ministries, committees, agencies and inspectorates:

1. Ministry of Economy and Finance

•  Tax Committee
•  Customs Committee
•  State reserves management committee (Uzdvazakhira)
•  Treasury Service Committee (Treasury)
•  Cadastre Agency
•  State Financial Control Inspectorate
•  Authenticity inspection

2. Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade

•  Technical Regulatory Agency
•  Agency for attraction of foreign investments
•  Export Promotion Agency
•  Agency for Pharmaceuticals

3. Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment

•  Family and Women’s Committee
•  Mahalla and Entrepreneurship Agency
•  Medical-Social Expertise Inspection 

4. Ministry of Agriculture

•  Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Committee
•  Silk and Wool Industry Committee
•  Plant Quarantine and Protection Agency
•  Agency for providing services in agriculture
•  Inspection of Control over Agro-Industrial Complex (Uzagroinspektsiya)

5. Ministry of Water Management

•  Inspection of safety control of water facilities (Suvkhudjaliknazorat)

6. Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Economy

•  Control inspection in the field of construction and housing and communal economy

7. Ministry of Transport

•  Highways Committee
•  Civil Aviation Agency (Uzaviatsiya)
•  Inspection of safety control of cargo and passenger transport on railways (Uztemiryulnazorat)
•  Inspection of quality control of road construction works (Uzyulinspektsiya)

8. Ministry of Energy

•  Atomic Energy Development Agency (Uzatom)
•  Inspectorate for controlling the use of electricity, oil products and gas (Uzenergoinspektsiya)

9. Ministry of Mining and Geology 

•  Inspection of Mining, Geology and Industrial Safety Control (Kontekhnazorat)
10. Ministry of Digital Technologies (Ministry of Digitization)

•  Agency for Space Research and Technologies (Uzbekcosmos)
•  Control inspection in the field of information and telecommunications (Uzkomnazorat)

11. Ministry of Natural Resources

•  Forestry Agency
•  Hydrometeorological Service Agency (Uzhydromet)

12. Ministry of Health

•  Sanitary-epidemiological tranquility and public health committee (Sanepidkum)

13. Ministry of preschool and school education

•  Preschool Education Agency
•  Agency of specialized educational institutions

14. Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

•  Innovative Development Agency
•  Knowledge and Skills Assessment Agency

15. Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports

•  Youth Affairs Agency

16. Ministry of Culture and Tourism

•  International Relations Committee
•  Cinematography Agency

17. Ministry of Justice

•  Uzarkhiv Agency
•  Personalization agency

18. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

19. Ministry of Emergency Situations

20. Ministry of Internal Affairs

21. Ministry of Defense

•  Defense Industry Agency

22. Committee for Development of Competition and Protection of Consumer Rights (Competition Committee)

23. Committee on Religious Affairs

24. State Assets Management Agency (Davaktiv)

25. National Anti-Doping Agency (UzNADA)

26. Cultural Heritage Agency

According to the presidential decree, in the ministries and agencies listed above:

•  17,447 staff units (24% of total staff) will be cut; in particular, the number of deputy heads will decrease from 207 to 144; as a result, 703 vehicles and 10 buildings are expected to be vacated;
•  it is strictly forbidden to introduce additional administrative staff from non-budgetary funds;
•  only 4 of more than ten forms of structural organizations (department, head office, subdivision, section, branch, service, bureau, group, etc.) will remain;
•  service car supply will be outsourced;
•  executive bodies of funds will be terminated.

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