SOCIETY | 13:23 / 11.02.2023
2 min read

Tashkent police detain a criminal group that stole money from Paynet terminals

Four people hacked devices located at bus stops and stole about 65 million soums.

Photo: Frame from video

In the Yunusabad district of Tashkent, a group of 4 people hacked a Paynet terminal and stole 40 million 278 thousand soums on January 29, the capital’s police department said.

According to the police, the same group stole 24 million 124 thousand soums from a payment machine located at the Jami roundabout in the Almazar district, and 310 thousand soums from a payment machine in the Tashkent region.

Reportedly, the criminals transferred a certain amount of money to their bank cards through the machine. Then they broke it to take some cash.

As a result of operational-search measures, all 4 men who committed the crime were detained and handed over to the investigative department of the police.

Currently, on this fact, a criminal case has been initiated against the men under Part 2, Article 169 of the Criminal Code (Theft).

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