POLITICS | 18:19 / 09.03.2023
2 min read

Constitution to be added 27 new articles  

Фото: KUN.UZ

The number of articles in the Constitution of Uzbekistan is being increased from the current 128 to 155, and its norms from 275 to 434. Conceptual changes are being made to 91 of 128 articles. In general, 65% of the Constitution is being amended.

MP Jakhongir Shirinov announced this at the plenary session of the Legislative Chamber.

“As a result, our Constitution is completely updated both in content and form. We all know that if a significant change in the text of the current legal document is required, it is necessary to publish it in a new version. Therefore, based on the political significance and scope of the amendments and additions, in the project under consideration, all the grounds are sufficient to publish the Constitution in a new version.

That’s why it is proposed to name the draft as “Constitutional Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan” rather than “On amendments and additions to the Constitution”.

In turn, the structural structure of the project is being revised, and independent numbers are being assigned to the new articles added to our Constitution,” Shirinov said.

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