14:21 / 19.05.2023

Shavkat Mirziyoyev puts forward important initiatives aimed at expanding cooperation at “Central Asia - China” summit

Photo: Presidential press service

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev took part in the first “Central Asia - China” summit in Xi’an on May 19.

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedow also took part in the event chaired by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

In accordance with the agenda, current issues of international and regional importance were discussed, related to the further expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation between the countries of Central Asia and China.

In his speech, the President of Uzbekistan noted that the summit is held in the ancient city of Xi’an, which served as the starting point of the Great Silk Road, which has been an important factor in the civilizational development, interdependence and development of the entire Eurasia for centuries.

It was noted that this meeting is of particular importance in the context of a complex international situation.

The head of state put forward the initiative to form a new economic dialogue and strengthen interdependence, to double the volume of trade of the countries of the region with China by 2030. It was proposed to realize this task by proportionally increasing the mutual supply of industrial and agricultural products, establishing effective trade-logistics infrastructure and modern wholesale-distribution networks, “green” and express corridors, common platforms for e-commerce.

In order to create favorable conditions and the necessary legal framework, it was proposed to consider the possibility of adopting a multilateral agreement on the promotion of mutual trade and investment.

The President drew the attention of the participants to the fact that the issues of expanding industrial cooperation, attracting digital technologies and introducing innovations can be effectively solved through direct interregional relations with the Chinese authorities.

The President of Uzbekistan supported China’s global initiative based on the principles of indivisibility of security and peaceful development in the Charter of the United Nations, and highly appreciated the dialogue held today on issues of stability and security in our region.

- We believe that it is important to make full use of the dialogue group within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the dialogue of the countries neighboring Afghanistan to develop a mutually agreed position and take measures to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in this country, - the leader of Uzbekistan said.

It was emphasized the importance of continuing to regularly hold humanitarian exchanges, exhibitions, concert and creative tours, joint sports events, and involving young people in them. In this regard, it was proposed to jointly hold the Young Talents Forum next year.

Concluding his speech, the head of state noted that our countries are strategic partners and reliable friends.

Confidence was expressed that the effective results of the summit will serve strengthening of good neighborly relations and comprehensive cooperation, development of our countries and peoples.

At the end of the meeting, the heads of state signed the Xi’an declaration of the “Central Asia-China” summit and held a joint press conference.

After the summit activities, the leaders planted a tree together as a symbol of the countries’ friendship, good neighborliness, common aspirations for development and prosperity.
