SOCIETY | 14:39 / 07.07.2023
4 min read

Over 1,000 people who paid for new apartments in Tashkent deceived; damage amount exceeds 300 billion soums

The company, which received payments from citizens for apartments not yet built, did not have permission to build a residential complex in the promised area.

Photo: Frame from the video

A group of citizens who signed a contract with “AZIYA INVEST FAVORIT” LLC on the purchase of one of the houses planned to be built on Izzat Street, Yashnabad district of Tashkent, appealed to and complained that despite the passage of more than a year and a half, the construction work has not yet started. They said that the LLC head was imprisoned, and the customers who demanded the return of their money were told that the company was closed. In addition, video appeals of a group of citizens were also posted on the YouTube platform.

“I signed a contract on February 21, 2022. I paid 273,800,000 soums for the construction of house 58 on Izzat Street. The construction has been delayed for a year and a half with various promises. So far, not a single stick has been laid for the construction of the house I paid for.

It is said that the head of “AZIYA INVEST FAVORIT” LLC Khayrullo Khatamov is currently in prison, and the employees of this LLC are saying: “we are not working, we are closed”. Who guarantees that they will not embezzle the money and flee from the country? If the house is not built with the money of so many people or the money is not returned, is there no responsibility for this?” Tulkinjon Jumaboyev said.

“On February 14, 2023, we made a payment to AZIYA INVEST FAVORIT construction company in order to buy a flat. In the contract, they showed us a piece of land on Izzat Street, Yashnabad district, and told us that the 58th house will be built here. Now it is clear that the company does not have ownership rights to this land. The managers of the company deceived more than a thousand people and sold unbuilt houses without obtaining permission for construction from the relevant organizations. As a result, more than 1,090 buyers are without money and without a home,” another complainant said.

There are many such appeals. In these appeals, the defrauded citizens stated that builders did not intend to build houses from the beginning, they set the lowest price per square meter of the houses in the capital, thereby trapping many people, law enforcement agencies ignored this fraud scheme and complaints filed long ago.

Information about the developer / Photo: source in the prosecutor’s office said that the damage caused to citizens by the officials of “AZIYA INVEST FAVORIT” LLC exceeded 300 billion soums, and the lawbreakers were hiding to avoid criminal prosecution.

It is known that a criminal case has been initiated under Article 168-4 of the Criminal Code.

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