BUSINESS | 11:25 / 27.07.2023
1 min read

Toyota planning to introduce new model of cars to Uzbek market

The delegation of Uzbekistan led by the Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Jamshid Kochkarov met in Japan with Akitoshi Takemura, Regional CEO for Toyota Motor Corporation.

Photo: Getty Images

According to the information of the embassy of Uzbekistan in Japan, at the beginning of the conversation, the Japanese side was presented with information about the opportunities created for successful business of foreign entrepreneurs in the country.

Photo: Dunyo news agency

The parties exchanged detailed views on the prospects for mutual cooperation, taking into account the high interest in cars under the Toyota brand in the Uzbek market.

Akitoshi Takemura announced that a new model of Toyota cars will be presented to the car market of Uzbekistan in the near future.

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