SOCIETY | 12:54 / 29.07.2023
3 min read

New service cars worth 4 billion soums to be purchased for deputy governors of Syrdarya region and local governors

4 billion soums have been allocated for the purchase of 16 Trackers for regional deputy governors and district and city governors in Syrdarya region from additional resources of the local budget. The local council has decided on this. However, there is no need for a new service car for deputy governors of the region, as well as some district and city governors.

On the e-qaror platform, the decision number VI-52-98-9-0-K/23 of the Council of People’s Deputies of Sirdarya region was announced. The document envisages the allocation of 7.6 billion soums for some “expenditures” from additional resources of the local budget of the region formed in 2023.

In the decision annex, it is mentioned what the allocated funds will be used for. In particular, 4 billion soums have been allocated for the purchase of 16 Tracker cars for regional deputy governors and district and city governors.

There are 8 deputy governors of Syrdarya region. But at the same time, they have at their disposal service cars that are no more than 6 years old.

In particular, Rakhimjon Boboyev, the first deputy of the regional governor for finance, economy and poverty alleviation issues, uses a Malibu car manufactured in 2019. Deputy governors – Dilmurod Abdurahmonov has a 2022 Hyundai Santa Fe, Erkin Muminov has a 2018 Lacetti, Vohid Ibodullayev has a 2022 Hyundai Tucson, Bahodir Botirov has a 2019 Malibu, Shokhruh Isokulov has a 2020 UAZ 3163485 service car. Shavkat Zayniddinov, the regional deputy governor who was dismissed today, used a Captiva manufactured in 2017.

Not all district and city governors need a new Tracker. The reason is that the governors of the cities of Shirin and Yangiyer and the districts of Akaltin and Mirzaabad use Lacetti cars produced in 2019-2020. The heads of Sardoba and Gulistan districts have Chevrolet Niva manufactured in 2019.

According to open sources, there are a total of 107 cars at the disposal of the Syrdarya regional government and all district and city administrations. The oldest of them is the Mercedes-Benz car produced in 1996. This 27-year-old car is used by the governor of Khovos district.

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