SOCIETY | 09:56 / 19.01.2024
7 min read

Doc-1 Max case: The victim’s father increased the demand for compensation from 3 billion soums to 8 billion soums

At the following court session, two more victims, whose children became disabled, demanded compensation of 5 billion soums for the treatment of their children.


On January 17, at the court session in the Doc-1 Max case, testimony was heard from the victims who became disabled and whose child died after consuming Doc-1 Max and Ambronol syrup, a correspondent participating in the court reported.

The father of 4-year-old Sultan Saidmurodov, the victim’s legal representative, Dilshod Tursunboyev, reported that his son was in a coma for about one and a half months from January 1 to February 12, 2023.

“My son was born in 2021. Before, we used to give Ambronol medicine for cough, it was good, there were no side effects. When we gave it at the beginning of 2022, he was fine, but then he started to have a fever. My wife said that she has not passed urine for a couple of days. After that, on December 28, we took him to the emergency department, they did an ultrasound and said that his kidney was not working. The pediatrician there wrote a referral to the hospital of Jizzakh region saying that they do not have conditions for treatment. They checked there and immediately took him to intensive care. On December 29, he underwent dialysis. The situation has become much worse. We wanted take him to Tashkent on January 2, but the chief doctor said that he was in a serious condition and could not be taken. We talked with acquaintances in Tashkent and made arrangements, the chief doctor of the Children’s National Center himself came and took him to Tashkent on January 3.

In Jizzakh, my son received 4-5 dialysis sessions. Also, he received dialysis in Tashkent until the middle of February. While they were waiting to take him to the ward, his head swelled, then a neurosurgeon operated him. He was fed through a tube. He did not move, after a few months, only his one side began to move a little. We took him to the neurology department for examination, and they recommended a private clinic. After staying there for 3 days, we took them to the Children’s National Center. At the same time, he also had hernia at the lower part of his stomach. Now we are taking care of him at home, he is better than before. But there is still little movement on one side, there is no body development. If the defendants are guilty, they should be punished accordingly,” Dilshod Tursunboyev stated.

Dilshod Tursunboyev, victim’s father / Photo:

According to the victim’s father, he has borrowed more than 150 million soums from relatives to treat his child. He asked the court for compensation of 5 billion soums for the full treatment of his child.

“My child, born in 2019, had a sore throat, so we took this medicine on the recommendation of a pharmacy worker. My son drank this syrup before. The medicine was taken for four days. On the fifth day, my child vomited. We went to the family polyclinic. Doctors prescribed medicine and we returned home. On the fifth day, my child was running a fever. We gave medicine and lowered his temperature. The next day, my father took him to the hospital for infectious diseases. They said that my son had appendicitis. The doctors of the Kuvasoy city hospital checked and said that he had no appendicitis. They returned home that day with an injection. The next day, I took him to the hospital, hoping that it would be better to get another injection. I was told there to consult with a good pediatrician. Finally, we took my son to the regional hospital. He was diagnosed with kidney failure,” 5-year-old Nodirbek Alijonov’s father, Anvar Abdullayev, said.

Anvar Abdullayev, victim Photo:

Nodirbek Alijonov, who turned five today, became unable to see, hear and speak due to drug poisoning.

“Two days after we went to the hospital, my child fell into a coma. He began to urinate less and less. When he began to regain consciousness, he asked me to take him home. Soon, we brought my child to Tashkent. He was in a coma here for two months. He underwent dialysis more than 40 times. We wandered in Tashkent for nine months,” the boy’s father said.

The victim’s father added that he has spent 300 million soums for the treatment of his child so far. In response to the judge’s question, he said that he would demand compensation of 5 billion soums.

At the previous court session, it was reported that Feruz Nuritdinov, the father of a 5-year-old boy who lost his ability to speak and move after consuming Doc-1 Max syrup and became a disabled person of the first group, asked the court for 3 billion soums compensation for the full treatment of his child. It is noteworthy that at the meeting held on January 17, the victim changed his claim of 3 billion soums to 8 billion soums. This is the largest amount of compensation demanded in court to date.

The next court session on the Doc-1 Max case will be held on January 19.

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