POLITICS | 09:27 / 04.06.2024
2 min read

Shavkat Mirziyoyev signs a vital decree aimed at joining WTO

The head of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree depriving a number of large state-owned companies of exclusive rights to carry out economic activities, the presidential assistant Saida Mirziyoyeva reported.

Photo: Saida Mirziyoyeva / Telegram

On June 3, the President of Uzbekistan signed a decree that defines measures to speed up the process of joining the World Trade Organization. The document will be officially published on June 4.

Assistant to the President Saida Mirziyoyeva said that this document was a continuation of the ongoing measures to create a free market and proves the commitment of the country’s leadership to the most profound and complex reforms.

“In accordance with this decree, we are opening a new page in a number of industries, including the processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, the chemical industry, telecommunications and energy sectors.

We once again demonstrate our priorities regarding joining the World Trade Organization, observing one of its main principles – equal and competitive conditions for everyone,” Mirziyoyeva wrote in her Telegram channel.

According to economist Otabek Bakirov, the decree gradually abolishes a number of exclusive powers and rights of monopolists that have been in effect for several decades.

“It also provides for the unification of tariffs, the abandonment of non-tariff restrictions and various preferences.

Serious steps are planned to create a healthy competitive environment in the field of public procurement,” Bakirov wrote.

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