SOCIETY | 20:21 / 29.07.2024
3 min read

Gov't to change procedure for issuing licenses to private medical clinics

Applications will be reviewed by an expert group, and the deadline is extended to 30 working days.

On July 24, the Cabinet of Ministers updated the licensing procedure for clinics and other medical institutions. The resolution was published in the database.

The task is assigned to the Center for Licensing and Accreditation of Medical Organizations under the Ministry of Health. The President ordered its establishment on the basis of the Licensing and Accreditation Department by his decree of June 2023.

The center will be responsible for quality control and compliance with licensing requirements in the field of non-governmental medical services. It will also have to develop mechanisms to support the industry and a strategy for their implementation.

The Ministry of Health has been instructed to approve the Center's charter and structure by the end of August. Within three months, precise accreditation rules and requirements for the quality of services provided by medical institutions must be approved.

To obtain a license, as before, you need to submit an application and information about the clinic to the Ministry of Health. However, now it is necessary to attach detailed information about all installed medical equipment, including serial numbers and production date.

The application will be reviewed within 30 working days. Previously, the review period in the general order was officially 15, in the accelerated order - 5 working days.

The fee for reviewing an application will be 2 BCAs (680,000 UZS), while currently 3 BCAs (1.02 million UZS) is charged for accelerated review. The fee for issuing a license will remain the same - 5 BCAs (1.7 million UZS).

The license will specify the types of medical services that the recipient clinic has the right to provide. The application will be reviewed by an expert group, which will provide the Center with a recommendation on issuing or denying a license.

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