POLITICS | 17:45 / 22.08.2024
3 min read

Legislative Chamber approves law on State Defense Orders to regulate security and emergency measures

The lower chamber of parliament has passed the law on the state defense order. The document aims to regulate relations concerning state defense orders related to ensuring security, preventing, and responding to emergencies.

Photo: Kun.uz 

On August 20, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis passed the law "On State Defense Order" in its third reading, “Xalq So’zi” newspaper reports.

The draft law was developed out of the necessity to create a unified legal mechanism for regulating relations in the areas of setting objectives and tasks, forming, and implementing the state defense order, clarifying the powers of state bodies, and regulating their mutual relations.

The document is aimed at regulating relations concerning state defense orders related to ensuring security, preventing, and responding to emergencies.

The draft law outlines the main concepts, goals, and tasks in the field of state defense orders, the state regulation of this area, the formation and implementation of state defense orders, and the establishment of confidentiality procedures.

The development of the document was foreseen by a presidential decree dated January 31, 2023. The Defense Industry Agency under the Ministry of Defense was tasked with developing the draft law and submitting it to the Cabinet of Ministers by March 1.

According to the decree, the consideration and approval of the defense order will be carried out by the State Commission on Equipping the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan. The state unitary enterprise "O‘ztextreyd" has been designated as the sole agent for the purchase (import) of military and dual-use products (works, services) produced abroad within the framework of the state defense order.

The Legislative Chamber did not report on its website about the consideration of the draft law. The document was also not included in the agenda shown on the Parliament's YouTube channel.

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