19:42 / 25.12.2018

Unemployment rate in the country is announced

Photo: Kun.uz

The Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan states that 9% of the economically active and able-bodied population are unemployed in the country.
Reportedly, the Republican Center for Public Employment and Labor Protection under the Ministry conducted a large-scale social survey in October-November of this year. The survey covered 72 districts and cities of the republic, including 360 makhallas (local administrations), 3,600 households and 180,160 people. 
According to the results of the sociological survey, 9% of the population was unemployed and the figure has been improved compared to January-June 2018 (9.3%). The highest unemployment rate was registered in Surkhondaryo (9.6%), Samarkand (9.5%) and Kashkadarya (9.5%) regions. Also, it was emphasized that the unemployment rate in Fergana – in one of the most populous provinces was 9.4%. The lowest indicator was observed in Tashkent (7.5%). 
According to the Ministry, the number of citizens who are in need of jobs are 1307,600 people. 
“The decline in the unemployment rate in comparison to the first half of the year was thanks to the jobs created in agricultural activities, including during the cotton-harvesting campaign,” Sherzod Kudbiyev said to Kun.uz correspondent. 
For information, unemployment among those under 30 is 14.7%, among women, in general, 12.5%. In 2017, the unemployment rate in Uzbekistan was 5.4%.

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