18:49 / 08.01.2019

Fourth round of US-Taliban talks to start in Qatar on Wednesday

The last meeting was held in the United Arab Emirates in December, where Saudi Arabia offered to host the next peace talks on Afghanistan in Jeddah, Reuters said.

Afghan Taliban have reportedly said that they will begin their next round of peace talks on Wednesday with US officials, this time in Qatar.

The two-day meeting will be fourth between Taliban representatives and US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad.

However, as Riyadh insisted that on bringing the Afghan government to the table, the Taliban sought change of venue.

“After mutual consultations, we are going to meet U.S. officials in Doha on Wednesday. The meeting will continue for two days - Wednesday and Thursday,” a Taliban member said.

The meeting in Abu Dhabi was participated also by Pakistan, UAE. A Taliban leader was quoted by Reuters as saying that the Qatar meeting would involve no other country.

“This time we want to hold talks with the American officials,” said a Taliban leader based in Afghanistan.

He added that they would discuss US withdrawal, prisoner exchange and the lifting of a ban on movement of their leaders.

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