22:36 / 11.03.2019

84% of enterprises surveyed by the Central Bank predict price increases in 2019

For the development and implementation of monetary policy measures, in order to assess the growth rate of the country's economy, at the end of the current year and the following year, the Central Bank studied economic expectations of enterprises and organizations for the near future.

84% of enterprises and organizations surveyed by the Central Bank predict an increase in prices for goods, works and services compared to 2018. This follows from the results of the survey of enterprises in the real sector of the economy in the IV quarter, conducted by the Central Bank.

433 enterprises from various fields took part in the survey: food industry, light industry, trade and public catering, building materials industry, tourism, transport, medical services, and so on.

46% of these 84% predict a rise in prices in the range of 10–15%, and 20% expect prices to rise by more than 20%.

If we talk in general about expectations, then 78% of enterprises and organizations expect an increase in production compared with 2018. At the same time, among enterprises and organizations expecting growth in production, 13% of respondents predict growth rates in the range of 1–4%, 21% in the range of 5–8%, 28% in the range of 9–12%, and 22% in the range of 13–20%.

Among exporting enterprises, 77% of respondents expect an increase in exports compared to 2018, of which 15% expect growth in the range of 1–4%, 18% of respondents in the range of 5–8%, and 32% in the range of 9–12%.

44% of respondent enterprises expect an increase in the volume of investments in the authorized capital compared to 2018.

Earlier, it was reported that business circles in Uzbekistan called the main problems that prevent an increase in production.

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