TECH | 21:33 / 26.03.2019
2 min read

Mobile application for children with Down syndrome developed in Uzbekistan 

Two sisters from Uzbekistan have developed a mobile application for Children, the UN information service reported. 

When a 17-year-old Sevinch and her sister Nastarin heard about Technovation, a technological competition for girls, which is held annually in Uzbekistan with the support of the UN Development Program, they immediately decided to take part in it - they already had the idea of a mobile phone application.

Seven years ago, a boy with Down syndrome was born in the Makhmudovs family.

“When our brother was born, we knew little about this diagnosis. My parents were shocked. They found it very hard to cope with depression,” 18-year-old Nastarin recalls.

The sisters spent almost all their free time with Akhmadion, help him do his homework, entertain and amuse him. In the framework of the Technovation project, the girls developed a mobile application for children with Down syndrome “Sun Child”.

Nastarin and Sevinch

It helps to track the development of a child - according to the method developed by American professors, it contains important information about the syndrome, it helps to find experienced doctors specialized in this area.

Technovation contestants are learning not only to develop applications, but also to create a business plan and promote their idea in the market.

“It was very interesting. I discovered in myself talents that I have never known before. In the future, I will definitely start my business,” Nastarin said.

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