11:20 / 22.04.2019

Record number of marriages registered in Uzbekistan since the beginning of the year

Photo: Depositphotos

In January-March 2019, 53.7 thousand marriages were registered in Uzbekistan, which is 1.7 thousand more compared to the same period last year, the report of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic indicates.

This year the figure significantly exceeded the data for 2017, when 48.5 thousand marriages were registered.

The materials of the State Statistics Committee noted that the growth of registered marriages, compared to the same period in 2018, was observed in the city of Tashkent (12.9%), Namangan (by 19.4%), Tashkent (12.8%), Jizzakh (11, 8%), Andijan (9.1%) and Syrdarya (9.1%) regions.

For the period from January to March 2019, the registry offices recorded 8 thousand divorces. The growth of which, in comparison with the same period 2018, was observed most in Bukhara (by 25.0%), Namangan (by 16.7%) and Andijan (by 11.1%) regions.

Considerable decrease was recorded in Kashkadarya (by 33.3%), Samarkand and Khorezm (by 11.1%) regions.
