BUSINESS | 14:48 / 09.08.2019
2 min read

International Forum of Economists to be held in Tashkent on October 25

International Forum of Economists “Strategic planning – important factor of sustainable socio-economic development of the country and regions” will be held in Tashkent on October 25, the Ministry of Economy and Industry said.

The forum aims to create a platform for discussing current issues of ensuring socio-economic stability in the country and search for innovative solutions.

It will include meetings in the following sections:

- Strategic planning of socio-economic development of the country and regions;

- Efficient use of natural and economic potential of the regions;

- Living Standards Development Strategy;

- Business and Development Strategy.

Institute for Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research under the Ministry of Economy and Industry will be responsible for organizing the forum.

Leading foreign and local experts, representatives of academic and business circles, international organizations including the World Bank, IMF, UNDP, EBRD, ADB, GIZ, JICA, KOICA and others are expected to attend the event.

The materials presented at the forum will be included in the list of domestic and foreign scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publication of the main results of the thesis.

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