19:39 / 17.09.2019

State Assets Management Agency denies rumors about the sale of Ucell to Russian MegaFon

The State Assets Management Agency of Uzbekistan denied rumors about the sale of FE COSCOM LLC (providing its services under the brand name Ucell) to Russian mobile operator MegaFon, agency’s press service told Kun.uz.

Rumors about the sale of FE COSCOM LLC appeared today on social networks. Then repost.uz, citing “sources from the head office”, said that the deal is confirmed.

“100% of the state share is with us, we didn’t sell anything,” a representative of the agency reported to Kun.uz. He also clarified that the state does not plan to sell the LLC and is not holding negotiations with anyone.

It should be reminded that in December 2018, the Swedish-Finnish Telia sold its stake in Ucell to the State Committee on Competition of Uzbekistan. The sum of the transaction amounted to $215 million.

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