17:10 / 07.11.2019

Kazakhstani people send more money to Russia and Uzbekistan than they receive from there 

During the past three quarters, Kazakhstani people sent abroad 213 billion tenge more than they received from outside the country. About half of all funds transferred abroad were sent to Russia and Uzbekistan, Nuz.uz said.

The total amount of money sent through the international money transfer system (IMS) in January-September 2019 amounted to 506 billion tenge – only 2.3% more than in January-September 2019. For comparison: earlier, annual growth reached 23.3% in 2017 and 36.8% – in 2018.

The volume of money transfers through the IMS in Kazakhstan decreased by 43.5%, to 32.2 billion tenge. A year earlier, the indicator showed an increase of almost 4 times.

The volume of money transfers through the IMS, received from abroad in January-September 2019, increased by 2.1% (a year earlier – by 15.4%) and amounted to 260.8 billion tenge.

The difference between the volume of money transfers sent abroad and received from there for the year increased from 182.1 billion to 213 billion tenge.

The largest turnover of funds through the IMS traditionally takes place with Russia: for example, the share of the Russian Federation in the amount of money sent abroad was 32.3%, or 152.8 billion tenge, and received from there – 39.4%, or 102.6 billion tenge.

The second place among the countries leading in the volume of funds sent from the Republic of Kazakhstan was taken by Uzbekistan: 22%, or 104.4 billion tenge. Turkey is in the third place: 13.7%, or 65.1 billion tenge.

By the amount of funds received from abroad, South Korea is in the second place after Russia: 18.8%, or 49.1 billion tenge. Uzbekistan occupies the third line: 8.6%, or 22.5 billion tenge.

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