12:15 / 05.12.2019

Deputies discuss simplifying payment of duties 

Photo: Fotolia

At a meeting of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, held on November 26, the draft law “On state duty” in the new edition was conceptually approved in the first reading.

Currently, this draft law is being discussed article by article at meetings of committees, fractions of political parties and a deputy group from the Environmental Movement of the parliament’s lower house, as well as a working group. 

According to the parliamentary press service, within the framework of the draft law “On the Tax Code” in the new edition, along with the discussion of the bill “On the state duty”, the legal framework is being simplified. The procedure for payment, accounting, refund and determining the state duties is being established.

Also in the appendix of this draft law, along with the state duties, approval of patent fees is envisaged. However, taking into account that the draft law has a direct effect, it becomes necessary to regulate the mechanisms of payment of the state duty, return and exemption from payment in normative-legal acts.

In this regard, in accordance with Article 9 of the Law “On currency regulation”, in some by-laws the rates of the state duties are set in foreign currency, and this draft law provides for the procedure for charging them in the soum equivalent, based on the base calculating amount.

Along with this, the draft law also revises the issues of converting the state duty paid in foreign currency abroad into national currency and finding ways to direct them to the budget.

In addition, in order to create amenities for people living abroad, it is proposed to post information on the rates of the state duties in free currency approved in US dollars on the websites of responsible ministries and departments on an ongoing basis.

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