SOCIETY | 22:25 / 25.06.2020
3 min read

“An open trial will be held. All those responsible will be punished” – Akmal Saidov commented on the torture case in Andijan

As part of the IPC session, the Senate of Oliy Majlis, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the UN Office in Uzbekistan held a press conference on the Action Plan (Roadmap) to develop cooperation with the United Nations and its specialized agencies.

Director of the National Center for Human Rights Akmal Saidov answered a question about the beating of a citizen by law enforcement officers in Andijan and the circumstances that led to his death.

“I regret that such cases still occur. I can say that the happenings in the Andijan region have had a negative impact on the work of law enforcement bodies. One or two such cases overshadow the work of law enforcement agencies.

This case is under my personal supervision by the National Center for Human Rights. When I heard about it on social networks, I appealed to the Prosecutor General, the Minister of Internal Affairs. In addition, an employee of the center was sent to the Andijan region.

All culprits, all those responsible will be prosecuted in accordance with the law. They are charged with illegal detention, abuse of power. Most importantly, they are accused of committing a crime under Article 235 of the Criminal Code, which is torture.

I cannot say it all now. A forensic examination has been scheduled. I think they tortured the deceased. How they will be prosecuted will be known after the results of the examination and the trial. It’s hard to say until the verdict is announced by the court. But I must say that the court will hold an open trial,” Akmal Saidov said. 

It should be recalled that in Andijan, when citizen Abdukarimov died on June 11 after being tortured by police officers, five people were fired and 19 were punished. A criminal case has been filed by the Andijan city prosecutor’s office under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code. During the investigation, three police officers were charged under Articles 206, 234 and 235 of the Criminal Code. A precautionary measure in the form of arrest was applied against them.

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