11:50 / 25.09.2020

Sanjar Valiyev: Climate change will cost the world economy $8 trillion in 30 years

At the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed to establish the International Day for the Protection and Restoration of Ecosystems.

Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies Sanjar Valiyev commented on the proposal of the President.

The introduction of this initiative is the result of Uzbekistan’s efforts in recent years to address environmental problems at the national and regional levels. By organizing a high-level international conference under the auspices of the United Nations Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea Region on the topic “Aral Sea region an area of ecological innovation and technologies”, we are convinced that the solution of the most complex environmental problems can change with the help of the international community. Taking into account the need for long-term and consistent action within the framework of the integrity of the international strategy, the Uzbek leader called on world leaders to establish the International Day for the Protection and Restoration of Ecosystems.

This new initiative calls on the enormous potential of international organizations, states and public groups to work together to find solutions and mobilize the younger generation. The consequences of the pandemic should not remove other global issues from the agenda that could have a more detrimental effect in the future.

International days are always a good opportunity to draw the attention of the world community to common issues and problems. Today, more than 20 international days, such as the World Environment Day – June 5, World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought – June 17, International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer – September 16, Earth Day – April 22 and others, are concerned with environmental protection.

Focusing on environmental issues, the UN General Assembly declared 2021-2030 as the “Decade on Ecosystem Restoration”. During this decade, countries around the world intend to jointly increase the volume of restoration of degraded and destroyed ecosystems in order to combat the climate crisis, improve food security and water supply.

Today, Central Asia faces various environmental challenges. Strong degradation, salinization and swamping of land resources, shrinking of glaciers in the mountains of the region, which feeds the main rivers of Central Asia – the Amudarya and Syrdarya, are observed.

Desertification processes that lead to the extinction of vital ecosystems pose a serious threat. Biodiversity is rapidly declining, reducing the natural resources of our region.

In addition, Central Asia is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change in the world. Scientists predict that global warming trends will intensify, water resources will shrink and natural disasters will increase.

Over the next 30 years, global climate change and its consequences will cost the world economy $8 trillion. By 2050, global GDP growth will decline by 3% due to the effects of climate change.

Therefore, the establishment of the International Day for the Protection and Restoration of Ecosystems, proposed by the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, will undoubtedly give a strong enough impetus to the development of additional mechanisms to ensure environmental security in the world.

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