SOCIETY | 20:46 / 30.09.2020
2 min read

Yuksalish movement proposes to combine statistics on coronavirus and pneumonia

The Nationwide Movement Yuksalish proposes to combine pneumonia and coronavirus infection cases into a single statistics, including deaths from SARS.

“The situation is not clear with statistics on pneumonia and deaths caused by it. WHO has encouraged countries to combine the two, and therefore, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are publishing statistics on deaths from pneumonia and coronavirus in single data,” the organization notes.

They also believe that it is necessary to provide the public with a complete list of members of the Anti-Coronavirus Staff, ensure participation in briefings and press conferences aimed at informing citizens about the epidemiological situation.

“We believe that ambiguity and silence cause panic, increase the spread of distorted information and lead to distrust. Reliable and objective statistics will allow citizens to make informed decisions and take responsibility for protecting their own health and the health of others,” the organization added.

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