SOCIETY | 17:21 / 07.07.2021
3 min read

Deputy PM Behzod Musayev vaccinated against coronavirus

On July 7, Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Behzod Musayev also received a vaccine against coronavirus.

“The coverage of the #men_vaktsina_oldim campaign is expanding across the country. Today, as part of the campaign, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Behzod Musayev was also vaccinated against coronavirus.

It should be noted that so far, government officials, khokims, heads of universities, heads of medical institutions, popular singers and many members of the population have been vaccinated against coronavirus,” the press service of the Health Ministry said.

According to the Health Ministry, more than 4.3 million vaccines have been used in Uzbekistan since the beginning of the vaccination campaign. An average of 130-140 thousand doses of vaccine are used per day. So far, more than 2.5 million people have been vaccinated in Phase 1, 1.3 million – in Phase 2 and more than 422,000 – in Phase 3.

Agrippina Shin, Minister of Preschool Education, was the first Uzbek minister vaccinated against the coronavirus. On June 4, she received the Sputnik V vaccine.

In late June, former health ministers Alisher Shodmonov (now rector of the Tashkent Medical Academy) and Anvar Alimov (now deputy health minister – head of the Tashkent city health department) were vaccinated with the Uzbek-Chinese vaccine.

On July 2, Minister of Public Education Sherzod Shermatov was vaccinated with the Uzbek-Chinese vaccine.

On July 3, Minister of Culture of Uzbekistan Ozodbek Nazarbekov was vaccinated against coronavirus during a live broadcast of the International Press Club. Participants in the event were given a choice of vaccine, and the minister chose the Sputnik V vaccine.

On the same day, it was announced that Rakhmat Mamatov, the Minister of Mahalla and Family Support, had also been vaccinated against the coronavirus. According to the press service of the Kashkadarya regional health department, the minister was vaccinated at the family clinic No. 4 in Karshi during his working trip to Kashkadarya. He also received the Sputnik V vaccine.

In addition, at the end of 2020, it was reported that the Minister of Innovative Development Ibrokhim Abdurakhmanov participated in the Uzbek-Chinese vaccine test.

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