POLITICS | 16:46 / 26.08.2021
5 min read

Supreme Court acquits 115 Uzbeks repressed during Soviet times

On August 25, the Supreme Court considered 6 criminal cases on the acquittal of 115 people who were repressed during the Soviet era.

Kun.uz correspondent reported that according to the presidential decree “On additional measures for a deeper study of the heritage and perpetuating the memory of victims of repression”, a proposal was made to justify the victims of repression identified in the course of research work, who for some reason were not rehabilitated.

When studying materials concerning 115 people assigned to 6 criminal groups, at today’s session of the Supreme Court it was found that there are no minutes of the court session, decision or verdict of the court, but only an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the OGPU troyka.

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The following cases were considered at the hearing:

1. On the criminal case against Nosirkhan Tura and others (against 92 people). According to the available materials of the case, all the persons involved in the case initially denied the charges brought against them after their arrest, but later, under duress, they made confessions, and the case contains only these testimonies.

2. On the criminal case against Ibragimbek Chakabayev and others (against 16 people). There is an extract from the protocol of the OGPU dated April 13, 1932. However, there is no verdict of the OGPU: on April 13, 1932, the OGPU considered this criminal case. The verdict was execution.

This criminal case was not considered in court, there was no verdict or protocol in the criminal case.

3. On the criminal case against Teregulov Osman Igmatulovich and others (against 4 people). These citizens were sent to concentration camps by the decision of the Commission on Administrative Exiles and Deportations on March 5, 1922, some of whom were sentenced to death.

These criminal offenses are separated into separate proceedings.

4. On the criminal case against Daminov Latif. By the verdict of the visiting board of the USSR Supreme Court dated October 15, 1938, Daminov was sentenced to death, and his property was confiscated. According to a certificate dated October 15, 1938, the sentence against Daminov Latif was carried out.

5. On the criminal case against Sultanov Gafur. By the decision of the “troyka” under the plenipotentiary representative of the Central Asian United State Political Administration dated October 27, 1930, in accordance with Article 58-2 (An armed uprising, any action with the intention to forcibly tear away any part of its territory from the Soviet Union or an invasion with the aim of seizing power) and Article 59-3 (Links with foreign countries for counter-revolutionary purposes) and was sentenced to death.

6. On the criminal case against Kiramov Kivam. According to the verdict of the military collegium of the USSR Supreme Court dated October 9, 1938, K. Kiramov was sentenced to death under Articles 58, 64 and 67 of the Criminal Code, and all his property was confiscated.

The Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan brought protests against the above criminal cases to the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court.

On August 25, 2021, these criminal cases were considered at open court sessions chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court Ikram Muslimov, the protests were satisfied and 115 people were acquitted on 6 criminal cases in accordance with Article 83 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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