SOCIETY | 11:01 / 02.09.2022
5 min read

Procedure for military service of citizens to be amended 

The draft presidential decree “On amendments and additions to the regulation on the procedure for military service of citizens of Uzbekistan” was published.


Certain aspects of the procedure for military service of citizens have been clarified in the draft decision. In particular:

  • it is established that citizens who have been dismissed from service due to the fact that they committed an act that tarnishes the name of an employee who previously served in a special rank or became unfit for duty will be refused to enter military service under the contract, and this created a legal basis for such an action;
  • due to the fact that when appointing military personnel to high-ranking positions, there is a norm that they must serve at least two years in the position, this requirement was removed from the statute due to the problems of filling certain vacant positions in a short period of time, releasing positions for placement of graduates of higher military educational institutions;
  • clarifications have been made on the procedure for appointing military personnel who were demoted to higher positions in the procedure for applying disciplinary measures and restoring military personnel who were demoted one step from their military rank;
  • clarifications have been made on the procedure for providing medical services and treatment in sanatorium-resort institutions to military servicemen in and discharged from military service, their family members, and family members of deceased military servicemen;
  • the norm of determining the term of service of contract servicemen whose total duration of military service is less than twenty years to one year and who are deemed unfit for military service by military-medical commissions was introduced by the order of the head of the ministry;
  • the procedure for awarding a military rank one step higher to contract servicemen who have completed at least two of the specified service period in the given military rank has been specified, and it has been determined that this procedure will also be applied to contract servicemen of the rank of sergeants;
  • the procedure for awarding the military ranks of “sergeant of the III degree”, “sergeant of the II degree”, “sergeant of the I degree” and “senior sergeant” has been clarified, a norm has been introduced that a narrow range of specialists can be awarded these military ranks after completing retraining and advanced training courses in relevant educational institutions;
  • a rule was added that heads of the ministries may award the next military ranks before the deadline to the military servicemen under the contract for their contribution to strengthening the country’s defense capabilities and protection of territorial integrity;
  • when determining the additional vacation period for military personnel under the contract, it has been determined that the service in the National Guard and judicial bodies will be added to the period of military service from the date of awarding special titles (ranks) to employees appointed to military positions;
  • in addition to officers who have completed at least 20 calendar years of military service, soldiers and sergeants were also given the right to wear military uniforms and distinctive insignia upon discharge from military service.

It is reported that by adopting the draft decision, the procedure for military service of citizens of Uzbekistan will be harmonized with the current legal documents and the social protection of military personnel will be strengthened.

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