POLITICS | 14:11 / 28.09.2022
2 min read

Powers of Justice Ministry expanding 

At the regular plenary session of the lower house of parliament, in the first reading, the draft law “On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the improvement of the system of activities of the justice bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was considered.

Photo: Ministry of Justice

This draft law defines the state institution “Intellectual Property Center” under the Ministry of Justice as an authorized organization for conducting state examination of intellectual property objects.

Along with this, in order to eliminate unnecessary red tape and bureaucratic barriers in the process of registration of intellectual property objects and simplify the procedure for the provision of public services - reducing the period for issuing a trademark certificate and (or) a certificate of the right to use an appellation of origin from 10 days to 1 working day, that is, the certificate will be issued directly on the day of registration of the object in the relevant state registers in electronic form with confirmation by a QR code.

The draft law in the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the state duty” establishes the application of a 50% discount to persons registered in the information system “Unified Register of Social Protection”, as well as persons with disabilities of groups I and II, when using public services.

After discussion, the draft law was adopted by deputies.

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