SOCIETY | 10:06 / 25.02.2023
10 min read

List of universities with most income and losses in 2022 announced

The university that ended 2022 with the largest income is Tashkent State University of Economics. The largest negative difference between revenues and expenses was observed at Samarkand State University.

Photo: Tashkent State University of Economics

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation has released information on the income and expenses of 69 state universities in the republic in 2022.

It is noted that the total income of the state enterprises listed in the report last year was 8 trillion 770 billion 728 million soums, and the expenses were 8 trillion 102 billion 825 million soums.

Revenues of universities are formed from:

•  funds financed from the budget (25% of total revenues);
•  receipts for training on the basis of a tuition fee (71.6%);
•  income from development funds (3.4%).

The largest total incomes in the republic are formed by the National University of Uzbekistan (435 billion soums), the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami (371 billion soums), the Fergana State University (368 billion soums), the Urganch State University (365 billion soums) and the Samarkand State University (351 billion soums).

5 universities with the highest net income in 2022

•  Tashkent State University of Economics – 106.2 billion soums;
•  Namangan State University – 67.7 billion soums;
•  Karakalpak State University named after Berdaq – 54.4 billion soums;
•  Gulistan State University – 54 billion soums;
•  Navoi State Pedagogical Institute – 43.2 billion soums.

5 universities whose expenses exceeded their total income in 2022 

•  Samarkand State University – 42.5 billion soums;
•  Karshi State University – 28.3 billion soums;
•  Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages – 26.8 billion soums;
•  Fergana Polytechnic Institute – 15.3 billion soums;
•  Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz – 15 billion soums.

Of the 69 public universities listed, 49 ended the year with a profit:

•  Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute – 5.5 billion soums;
•  Pedagogical Institute of Andijan State University – 20.9 billion soums;
•  Andijan Institute of Economics and Construction – 1.5 billion soums;
•  Bukhara State University – 37 billion soums;
•  Bukhara Institute of Engineering Technology – 4.7 billion soums;
•  Pedagogical Institute of Bukhara State University – 34.3 billion soums;
•  Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers – 5 billion soums;
•  National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek – 30.5 billion soums;
•  Tashkent branch of the higher educational institution of the federal state budget “MEI” National Research University – 3.6 billion soums;
•  Uzbekistan State University of World Languages – 10 billion soums;
•  Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami – 39 billion soums;
•  Tashkent State University of Economics – 106.2 billion soums;
•  Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology – 540 million soums;
•  Tashkent financial institute – 26 billion soums;
•  Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi – 4.9 billion soums;
•  Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute – 2.7 billion soums;
•  Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek – 3.7 billion soums;
•  Karshi branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers – 1.2 billion soums;
•  Pedagogical Institute of Karshi State University – 39.6 billion soums;
•  Shakhrisabz branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology – 1.5 billion soums;
•  Kattakurgan branch of Samarkand State University – 2.6 billion soums;
•  Samarkand branch of Tashkent State University of Economics – 7.5 billion soums;
•  Pedagogical Institute of Termiz State University – 17.3 billion soums;
•  Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy – 1.3 billion soums;
•  Yangiyer branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology – 1.7 billion soums;

•  Branch of the National Technological Research University in Almalyk – 1.6 billion soums;
•  TDTU Almalyk branch named after Islam Karimov – 6.7 billion soums;
•  Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region – 37.4 billion soums;
•  ADTU Tashkent region branch – 692 million soums;
•  Kokand branch of Tashkent State Technical University – 988 million soums;
•  Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute – 5.3 billion soums;
•  Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics – 4.2 billion soums;
•  Navoi State Pedagogical Institute – 43.2 billion soums;
•  Namangan State University – 67.7 billion soums;
•  Namangan Institute of Engineering-Technology – 1.5 billion soums;
•  Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute of Samarkand State University – 28.5 billion soums;
•  Termiz State University – 32.2 billion soums;
•  Gulistan State University – 54 billion soums;
•  Kokand State Pedagogical Institute – 7.7 billion soums;
•  Fergana State University – 21 billion soums;
•  Urganch State University – 10.4 billion soums;
•  Karakalpak State University named after Berdaq – 54.4 billion soums;
•  Branch of Kazan Federal University in Jizzakh – 4.4 billion soums;
•  Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages – 12.8 billion soums;
•  Namangan State Institute of Foreign Languages – 2.7 billion soums;
•  Namangan State Pedagogical Institute – 18.8 billion soums;
•  Urgut branch of Samarkand State University – 4 billion soums;
•  Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute – 14.7 billion soums;
•  Urganch State Pedagogical Institute – 18.1 billion soums.

20 of the listed state universities ended last year with a loss:

•  Andijan State University – 4.8 billion soums;
•  Bukhara branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers – 1.3 billion soums;
•  Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies – 9.7 billion soums;
•  Tashkent branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov – 53 million soums;
•  Russian State Oil and Gas University named after I.M. Gupkin – 11.4 billion soums;
•  Tashkent branch of D.I. Mendeleyev Russian University of Chemical Technology – 107 million soums;
•  Tashkent State Technical University – 3.1 billion soums;
•  Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction – 5.6 billion soums;
•  University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan – 3.1 billion soums;
•  Termiz Branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov – 3 billion soums;
•  Belarus-Uzbekistan Joint Institute of Applied Technical Qualifications in Tashkent – 508 million soums;
•  Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute – 4.7 billion soums;
•  Karshi State University – 28.3 billion soums;
•  Namangan Engineering Construction Institute – 227 million soums;
•  Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction – 9.6 billion soums;
•  Samarkand State University – 42.5 billion soums;
•  Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages – 26.8 billion soums;
•  Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service – 9.8 billion soums;
•  Fergana Polytechnic Institute – 15.3 billion soums;
•  Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz – 15 billion soums.

For information, the report of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation does not include indicators of the financial status of universities such as the Tashkent Law University under the Ministry of Justice, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Tashkent Medical Academy under the Ministry of Health.

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