Changes coming into force from April 1 announced website traditionally reminds citizens of some changes in the legislation of Uzbekistan that will come into force from April 1, 2023.
• The pension will be increased;
• Tariffs for travel in public transport in Tashkent will change;
• Teachers with more than 25 years of teaching experience won’t be subject to mandatory certification;
• Senior citizens will start using the metro for free;
• The amount of the allowance for family members of dead servicemen will be set at the rate of 150 times the salary of a serviceman;
• In the cities of Tashkent and Nukus, as well as in the centers of regions and districts, the permitted speed of vehicles will be reduced to 60 kilometers per hour;
• The activity of new preschool educational organizations on non-residential floors of apartment buildings will be allowed;
• The basic tariff rates of teachers of lyceums and technical schools will be equal to the rates of school teachers;
• Disability of persons with clearly expressed signs of it will be established without the participation of citizens on the basis of interdepartmental electronic data exchange;
• A 20% quota will be introduced in public procurement for business entities with a revenue of at least 10 billion soums;
• Individuals and legal entities that have installed renewable energy sources with a total capacity of up to 100 kW will be provided with tax incentives;
• A procedure will be introduced for the return of income tax paid by employees of farms specializing in the cultivation of cotton and grain;
• Electronic control copies of copyright objects will be stored in a single database;
• When legal entities are reorganized, the rights and obligations of enterprises will be transferred to the reorganized legal entity;
• The practice of forecasting and assessing the seismic risk of reservoir dams is being introduced;
• To provide subsidies to business entities engaged in poultry farming, registration will be required on the website
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