SOCIETY | 11:59 / 18.05.2023
2 min read

EEW system to be launched in Uzbekistan

The presidential decision “On additional measures to further improve the system of ensuring seismic safety of the population and territory of Uzbekistan” was adopted.

Photo: Shutterstock

From December 1, 2023, the national system of earthquake early warning (EEW) will be gradually launched in the Republic. Within the framework of this national system, monitoring of seismic events in Uzbekistan and its border regions will be carried out in real time.

When two or more seismic stations near the epicenter of the earthquake detect strong tremors (5 or higher), a quick notification will be sent to the population through the “Strong Earthquake Warning” mobile application about the observation of a strong earthquake in the identified areas of the republic.

From August 1, 2023: “Electronic platform for conducting seismological observations in reservoirs” will be launched; training of responsible personnel working in water reservoirs on seismological and seismometric observations and primary analysis will be established every 2 years.

From January 1, 2024, the practice of developing master plans of cities located in seismically active zones based on seismic microzoning maps of the respective areas will be introduced. Seismic microzoning maps of regions are developed by the Academy of Sciences.

From June 1, 2023, studies of indicators of existing active tectonic cracks in the territories of the republic will be organized.

From the academic year 2023/2024, the rules of proper movement during the Earthquake will be included in the current educational programs of the pre-school, general secondary, secondary special and professional education stages.


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