BUSINESS | 15:53 / 21.11.2023
1 min read

More than 311 thousand passenger cars produced in Uzbekistan over ten months

The most produced car model in January-October 2023 was Cobalt.

Photo: UzAuto Motors

According to the Statistics Agency, over the past ten months of the year, 311,227 passenger cars were produced in Uzbekistan.

The production volume of car models during the reporting period:

— Cobalt - 89,410 units

— Damas - 69,323 units

— Lacetti-Gentra - 65,676 units

— Tracker - 33,970 units

— Onix - 25,432 units

— Chery - 8,580 units

— Special cars - 18,836 units

Chery is a Chinese manufacturer. Although the Statistics Agency added this brand among the cars being manufactured in Uzbekistan, there is no official information about where and which models of Chery are being produced in the country.

Also, interestingly, there is no data about the production of the Nexia T-250 model. In the previous reports, the Statistics Agency reported that 2,133 units of this car model had been produced in Uzbekistan.

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