SOCIETY | 18:45 / 27.02.2024
5 min read

Individuals who attempted to sell 38 acres of land for $300,000 detained in Syrdarya, ex-governor also involved in this case

The members of the group were caught at the time of valuing one acre at $8,000 and receiving $50,000 in advance.

Photo: Frame from the video

Cases related to the illegal sale of land in Syrdarya, Samarkand, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions were put to an end.

Two people living in the city of Gulistan, born in 1964 and 1976, conspired. They promised to transfer the 38 hectares of land currently in the reserve of the Gulistan district administration to a citizen who wants to do business and to build a multi-storey house on this land through their official acquaintances, and demanded $300,000 in return.

They were caught red-handed while receiving $50,000 in advance at an operative event held in the city of Gulistan by employees of the Syrdarya Regional SSS Department in cooperation with the PGO Department for Combating Economic Crimes.

During the pre-investigation check, it was found out that the person who worked as the governor of Gulistan district in 2018-2021 was also involved in this illegal activity.

For information, from October 18, 2018 to August 12, 2021, Shavkat Gafurov worked as the district governor of Gulistan, and Saydimkul Begimkulov, who was replaced him, was fired in July 2023.

Shavkat Gafurov / Sirdarya regional administration

Also, the manager and the accountant of a farm specialized in the cultivation of agricultural products in Nurabad district (Samarkand region) colluded and agreed to sell 3 hectares of land leased to this farm for a period of 49 years to a buyer for $70,000. They were arrested while receiving $35,000 in advance.

In addition, employees of the Kashkadarya Regional SSS Department conducted operative events in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies.

In particular, although the head of a farm specialized in cattle breeding in Kamashi district has been using 66.32 hectares of pasture land belonging to the cluster in this district under a secondary lease agreement, he promised to cancel this contract and through the heads of the cluster, register 57 hectares of pasture land on a lease basis under the name of a buyer, in return, he demanded 500 million soums. However, he was caught red-handed when he received $20,000 and 100 million soums of the requested funds.

The head of an agricultural company in Shahrisabz district demanded 500 million soums in exchange for transferring 50 hectares of irrigated land in the reserve of the district administration to the buyer for one year without relevant documents through his official acquaintances. He was arrested while receiving 100 million soums. During the pre-investigation check, it was found out that he had to give a part of this money to his criminal partner, the head of a farm specialized in growing cotton and grain, and this person was also detained while receiving 20 million soums. Allegedly, both the head of the agrofirm and the head of the cluster had previously been convicted.

A citizen (born in 1975) living in Kyzirik district of Surkhandarya region agreed with a buyer to sell 30 acres of land leased for 49 years for the establishment of a farm under the decision of the district governor in 2010 for 280 million soums. He was caught red-handed when he received the requested amount of money during an operative event conducted by law enforcement agencies.

Currently, criminal cases have been opened on the above facts.

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