SOCIETY | 17:31 / 12.03.2024
2 min read

Over 900 million soums embezzled during purchase of computers for schools

The total contract amount under the One Million Uzbek Coders program was 25.5 billion soums.

The Anti-Corruption Agency reported violations during the implementation of the state project One Million Uzbek Coders.

Department officials discovered evidence of incomplete fulfillment of obligations to purchase computers in 2021-2022. As part of the contract, equipment was supplied to schools in Tashkent, Syrdarya, Jizzakh, Fergana and Namangan regions.

A government agency under the Ministry of Public Education chose Smart Sales Leader as a supplier. The contract value was 25.5 billion soums.

During an audit, the PGO Department for Combating Economic Crimes revealed the theft of 919.36 million soums.

Criminal cases have been initiated against officials of “O‘quv ta’lim-ta’minot” and Smart Sales Leader under paragraph “a” of Article 167-3 (theft by misappropriation or embezzlement on an especially large scale) and paragraph “a” of Article 205-2 of the Criminal Code (abuse of official powers).

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