SOCIETY | 18:08 / 06.06.2024
2 min read

Representatives of Uzbekistan take part in TURKPA plenary session in Baku

Yesterday, the third meeting of a group of women parliamentarians of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States was held in the capital of Azerbaijan on the topic “Women are the pillar of the economy, the driving force of entrepreneurship in the Turkic countries”.

According to the information service of the upper house of Parliament, women parliamentarians from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Hungary, and Northern Cyprus took part in the meeting. At the meeting, they discussed work to expand the participation of women in the Turkic states in the economies of the countries.

Member of the Senate of Oliy Majlis Gulnara Marufova, who took part in the delegation of Uzbekistan, noted that large-scale reforms aimed at comprehensive support for women are being implemented in our country under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Thus, it was emphasized that over the past 5 years the number of business women in our country has doubled, the number of women entrepreneurs who have opened their own businesses has exceeded 200 thousand, the share of women in the economic and industrial sectors is 46%, women who want to start entrepreneurial activities are actively supported by the state.

Legislative reforms aimed at expanding the rights and freedoms of women in our country were also noted, in particular, changing the minimum number of women candidates nominated by political parties for deputies from 30% to 40% of the total number of candidates.

Following the meeting, decisions and recommendations were made by a group of women parliamentarians of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States. It was also agreed that the next meeting of the group will take place in 2025 in Kazakhstan.

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