10:48 / 14.06.2024

Uzbekistan, Hungary discuss issues of cooperation within framework of international organizations

The Ambassador of Uzbekistan Oybek Shakhavdinov met with the Deputy Secretary of State for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Attila Hidegem.

Photo: Dunyo

During the conversation, the parties expressed satisfaction with the current state of Uzbek-Hungarian interaction, including during joint work at various global platforms.

The Deputy Secretary of State congratulated Uzbekistan on the election of Uzbekistan to the UN Human Rights Committee for 2025-2028, UN ECOSOC for 2025-2027, as well as to the ILO Administrative Council.

It was emphasized that, taking into account the strong and close relations between the two countries, the Hungarian side will continue to provide assistance and support to the initiatives of Uzbekistan within the framework of international organizations and other multilateral structures.

Following the meeting, agreements were reached to continue to maintain partnership contacts in order to promote joint efforts in this direction.
