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ID card
15:28 / 25.08.2023
Protocol on mutual entry and exit of citizens of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan through ID card comes into force
10:58 / 04.05.2023
Citizens allowed to cross Kyrgyz-Uzbek border with an ID card
19:43 / 29.04.2023
Uzbekistan approves protocol on entry and exit through ID card with Kyrgyzstan
22:10 / 27.01.2023
Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan allow citizens to visit each other using ID cards
11:55 / 02.11.2022
MIA urges citizens to replace expired passports to ID cards as soon as possible
22:55 / 07.03.2020
Ministry of Internal Affairs: ID cards to replace biometric passports
14:32 / 16.01.2019
ID cards to be introduced in 2021