14:16 / 12.04.2019

Foundation for support and development of pharmaceutical network to be established in Uzbekistan

The decree of the President of Uzbekistan “On measures to further develop the pharmaceutical network of the republic in 2019-2021” was adopted.

In accordance with the document, the Agency for pharmaceutical network development under the Ministry of Health has been instructed to set up a Foundation for support and development of pharmaceutical network, without establishing a legal entity.

The decree indicates that the Foundation's funds will be used for the following purposes:

•  presenting grants to local manufacturers and scientific-research institutes at the Agency for organization of scientific manuals on creation of new types of pharmaceutical products;

•  provision of state laboratories executing quality control of pharmaceutical products and scientific-research institutes at the Agency with the necessary equipment and technology 

•  covering 100 times the minimum monthly wage for the costs of local producers to carry out pre-clinic and clinical trials of new types of pharmaceutical products not produced in the country;

•  compensating 50% of expenses of local manufacturers for registration of pharmaceutical products in foreign countries after submission of the document confirming their registration;

•  promotion of local pharmaceutical products, including organization of exhibitions and fairs abroad, conducting seminars, preparing presentation materials and exhibition stands, participation of specialists of the Agency and its subordinate organizations in these events;

•  strengthening the material-technical basis of the Agency, incentivizing financially its employees and involved specialists, as well as training, retraining and advanced training of the Agency staff;

•  within two years, covering the interest related expenses of domestic producers when they take loans not exceeding $1 million in order to implement projects for production of medicines and medical equipment not produced in our country;

•  other events related to the Agency's activities, not prohibited by legislation.

The Fund for Reconstruction and Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, within a month, will allocate $25 million in support of the State Fund for support of Entrepreneurship development at the Cabinet of Ministers and the Foundation for support and development of pharmaceutical network.

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